Terms and Conditions

You agree to follow the terms & conditions outlined here by using this site.

  1. The terms and conditions on this website are legally binding and govern your use of this site.
  2. By using this site, you agree to follow these terms and conditions.
  3. If you do not agree to follow these terms and conditions, you are not authorized to use this site.
  4. These terms and conditions may be changed without notice, so please check them regularly.
  5. All intellectual property rights are reserved by the individual contributors listed. Users of this site can read the full disclaimer here. Please visit the United States Patent and Trademark Office for further information regarding trademarks and copyrights.
  6. This website contains information that has been created from information provided by our customers. If we have not yet reviewed it, it may not be accurate or complete. We’ll do our best to maintain this page maintained regularly. However, we can not guarantee its accuracy at any time.
  7. The website’s contents are for informational purposes only and aren’t intended to encourage the use of medical marijuana or promote CBD.